Evening Dharma
Yoga in Shepherdstown
Wind down your evening with me at the Jala Harmony Space in Shepherdstown — a cozy winter space for relaxation and inner reflection. This all-bodies, all-abilities class provides a tranquil space to connect with your breath, body, mind, and take a much needed pause from a busy, and often seemingly crazy world.
- Thursdays, 6pm – 7pm
Please check the calendar below and reserve your space in advance so that I know to expect and am able to contact you in the case of a class cancellation. - Harmony Studio
211 East New Street
Shepherdstown WV 25430
Get Directions - Classes are offered by donation and all are welcome to attend, regardless of ability to pay. The suggested donation is $15 per class with 50% of all revenue going to support the Eastern West Virginia Community Foundation which supports non-profit work in the region. You can donate online or in person.