Consider switching your rigid timetable for a routine baggy enough to live comfortably in. (inspired by Sasha Campbell)
FLY LIKE AN EAGLE - In today's class we start with several poses to prep for garundasana (eagle pose). Each pose builds both balance & concentration is great for legs, hips, and shoulders.

"You are wrapped in endless, boundless, grace — there is more to you than yesterday." -morgan harper nichols
STABILITY & FLUIDITY: A standing balancing flow with guided meditation, warrior 3, half moon, and tree pose.

PLAYFUL BALANCE: Today we play with half moon prep in many variations. We start with a standing balancing flow pause for a guided meditation, and end with another flow — all to help find balance in body, mind, and heart.

FIRMNESS & FLUIDITY: A full body balancing flow including core strengthening planks, mountain pose, and tree pose.

Finding balance on and off the mat - today we learn to listen to our values and explore mountain pose and tree post within a psoas stretch flow.

“The mountain is not limited to a postural stance but suggests the embodiment of wisdom.”
—TIAS LITTLE, Yoga of the Subtle Body
Today is the first of our April series exploring balance — on and off the mat — in our breath, our bodies, and our relationship with ourselves and others. We focus on building a strong foundation in the feet and legs through mountain pose, culminating in a triangle flow.