VAST AS THE OCEAN: An invigorating and blood-pumping vinyasa flow to open the heart and chest

COMFORT IN UNCERTAINTY: A slow, repetitive sequence to ground anxious energy and balance the nervous system.
Props that you may want, but not required: Block, meditation cushion or blanket
When you become
comfortable with
infinite possibilities
open up in your life.
—Eckhart Tolle

GENTLE & KIND: A slow, repetitive sequence to ground anxious energy and balance the nervous system.

To further explore the koshas, we revisit Tuesday's practice. This full body practice is a meditative sequence that aims to balance and move your entire body and nervous system.

Today we welcome in June's Strawberry Supermoon! This full moon / full body practice is a meditative sequence that aims to balance and move your entire body and nervous system.

If you didn't take the June 7 class, please do. Today we continue Tuesday's class exploring THE FIVE SHEATHS (KOSHAS). We delve deeper into the repeating sequence to reveal each layer of the subtle body — physical, energetic, mental, wisdom, and bliss. Includes rabbit, camel, plow, shoulderstand, and fish poses.

THE FIVE SHEATHS (KOSHAS). A repeating sequence to reveal each layer of the subtle body. Includes rabbit, camel, plow, shoulderstand, and fish poses.

New month = new theme! For June we'll consider what it means to be open to possibility, new ways of thinking about and experiencing the world around us.
Today's class moves at a chill-pace. We focus on stretching and opening hips & hamstrings, along with sidebends and twists.