January 26 2023 – #8
“You are everywhere, forever free...the single witness of all things.” Today’s class is psoas focused — a long floor sequence to lengthen and strengthen core muscles. We end with a warrior 3 flow and a meditation on witnessing through listening.

January 24 2023 – #7
Today I share a quote from Sovereign Self by Acharya Shunya “I urge you to explore new pathways where none existed yesterday.” Plus, we do some yoga — testing our balance through tree pose and a warrior flow.

January 19 2023 – #6
Building on Tuesday’s practice, today we play with balance through a warrior 3 flow. But first, we start slow with a grounding chest opener and neck relaxer. Finally we’ll rest — embracing what can be called a “spiritual, silent serenade.”

January 17 2023 – #5
Today’s class encourages us to take small steps to transformation — we continue to build arm strength, consider the art of silence and listening, and challenge ourselves with an active flow.

January 12 2023 – #4
It’s a low energy Thursday but we get moving with some gentle arm, neck, and back stretches and then ease into our arm strenghthening flow. We round out class with a guided meditation that takes us to the beach and invites us to embrace our curious child-like selves.

January 10 2023 – #3
Want stronger arms? Me, too! We’re going to focus the rest of the month on building arm strength — just a little at a time with the goal of being stronger in February than we are today. Today we start with some leg and hip stretches before moving into our arm strengthening flow.

January 5 2023 – #2
Is the world moving faster than you'd like? Today's class slows things down by starting with some grounding poses to support the nervous system. We then celebrate the full moon with a salutation flow to lubricate the joints. A great flow for the spine and psoas!

January 3 2023 – #1
Happy New Year! Today's class starts out slow and easy with multiple poses to alleviate neck and shoulder tension. We then move into a sun salutation flow to welcome in a new year and stretch the psoas. Cheers!