April 18 2023 – #5
In today’s class we consider what it means to remain open in order to observe the unfolding of the unknown — and perhaps to even delight in the experience! We use boat and plank poses to strengthen our core and arms and counter poses to stretch it all out.

April 13 2023 – #4
Today we continue Tuesday’s focus on ‘Full Participation’ applying it to a more restorative practice. This class is perfect for anytime that you feel you need more of a pause to allow the body and mind to reset. We incorporate supportive poses that open the back, release the shoulders and neck, and calm the nervous system. We still add in a little bit of core and arm work and finish with our triangle flow.

April 11 2023 – #3
This week we consider what it means to be in "full participation" — in our poses, our thoughts, and in our lives. Still focusing on strengthening the core and arms, today we start with seated poses to open and expand the chest allowing the spine to better align and the breath to become deeper and easier. Our standing flow culminates in triangle pose (Utthita Trikonasana) to strengthen the legs and back.

April 6 2023 – #2
In today's class, we continue our focus on building core and arm strength with modifications for all strength levels. We practice a series of poses that target the arms, shoulders, and chest, while also allowing us to increase our core strength. The goal of this month is to incrementally and safely build strength so that we'll all feel stronger and more confident in our abilities to hold and flow through arm-supported poses.

April 4 2023 – #1
It's April and spring is springing all over the place! This month we'll be focusing on strengthening our arms and core and considering what it means to open ourselves to discovery — being still enough to become curious and to listen, and to find the unexpected.