Today's class includes an upbeat flow with lots of hip openers. We explore our senses during meditation and continue to contemplate what it means to be creative. "The creative person is willing to live with ambiguity."

Continuing with the practice from Tuesday, we warm things up a bit with more vigor — twists to clear out stagnant energy that tends to build up in the colder months.

When life gets a little overwhelming, it's always good to go back to our home base. Today we start with sun sal a&b — a flow that our body knows and our brains can take a little break. Then we move into some twists and quad stretches for a full body experience.

Today's flow moves a little slow but don't worry, you'll get a full body workout! Our meditation explores what a perfect day might look like, with no barriers or judgement - a place to let your creativity be free...

After a blustery few days, this post-holiday slow flow is perfect for tuning into our bodies and calming the nervous system...

We continue Tuesday's practice but delve a little deeper into the poses and the meditation. You might feel a little tenderness in your glutes - try to breathe into those tight spaces and think 'let go.'

A new year, a new moon, and a new theme: this month we'll explore different ways of moving, breathing, and meditating to help open ourselves to creative flow. Today's practice incorporates tapping, kapalbhati breath, standing sun sals, triangle, and some ab, arm, and glute work.