September 27 2022 – Liberation #7
Today's class builds a strong core for both physical and mental support. We use breath work and longer holds to remind us how we use our abs in pretty much every part of our daily life. A strong core will help us have better posture allowing us to breathe more deeply giving our brains more oxygen and space to clear out the 'ick' and let in the goodness.

September 22 2022 – Liberation #6
Hips, hips, hips! Today's class is a lovely balm for sore, tight, and tired hips. Often, we hold our lives in our hips so the more stressed we are the tighter our hips can be. We start out slow with a hip releasing floor sequence and then move into an active standing flow. We end with a guided meditation all about reminding ourselves to simply let go.

September 20 2022 – Liberation #5
Inspired by a talk by Ram Dass about karma yoga (yoga of action) we will try to move through a familiar practice of sun salutations with a deeper sense of presence and fresh eyes. In meditation, we'll remind ourselves that we need not compartmentalize our practice from our everyday life. Every action and interaction is an opportunity to tune in deeply to our lived experience. With each task, may we do so with great intention and compassion.

September 13 2022 – Liberation #4
With fall quickly approaching, I often start to feel a bit melancholy - a bit of sadness saying goodbye to summer. I tend to love all of the seasons to a point but east coast autumns are probably my favorite. Today, we embrace the melancholy and start out slow but move into a standing flow. I'll lead you through several body scan and mindfulness practices with a focus on listening. We end with invigorating breath work that will hopefully help you start your day with a joyous heart.

September 8 2022 – Liberation #3
In today's class, we build on the twist sequences from Tuesday, continue strengthening the legs with chair pose, and practice watching our thoughts during a guided meditation. But we start in a slow, nurturing child pose sequence. Hopefully, this class will leave you feeling loose, limber, and ready to fully experience the day!

September 6 2022 – Liberation #2
You are okay. The thoughts you have and the emotions you have are okay. We CAN choose what to hold on to and what to let go of. Let's have compassion for ourselves and others - today's class will help us get there. Along with a sun sal b flow and plenty of twists to squeeze out any leftovers from the holiday weekend - physically and metaphorically :).

September 1 2022 – Liberation
For September we will explore liberation - self-liberation from our habitual patterns of thinking and feeling, in our minds and our bodies. We will learn that we can truly choose to let go.